Friday, May 22, 2009

Levi's been busy

Due to time constraints, Mom is going to write about what Levi has been doing.

Yesterday we were at Michael's (which Levi calls the "crap store" instead of craft store... I think he's right on!) We walked by some t-shirts (for decorating) and I asked him if he wanted one. He said, "No, I already have a million shirts".... So true.

On the way home from the store we were talking about sleeping in the bathtub (we never would). I said, "you're a lion and you can't sleep in water." He instantly said, "Mom, there are sea lions, so I could." ?!?!?!? Where did he learn that?? He's right.

Then, as he was eating dinner (and tiredly not paying attention to what he was doing), he fell out of his chair onto the floor. He got up, all shocked and said, "I scared myself!".

He was quite comical yesterday. He's a little charmer. Did you see his new picture at the top of his blog? He took that picture at Preschool. Cute, huh?


  1. I love hearing about the things you say Levi! You are such a big boy.

  2. what a super fun boy!! That picture from preschool is darling!

  3. The Sea Lions might have come from Isaac at Christmas...I seem to remember Isaac torturing Levi about that at one point.. : )
